Friday, September 23, 2005

77. Between Hurricanes

by Belinda Subraman - El Paso, Texas

As we slide into the 3rd World we have created
Running from hurricanes
With our SS# indelibly inked on our arms
Storms swell and swallow our control

I am flooded with life
Review the beliefs of my youth
I reach for my first Bible
Which has survived every move
I am mystified by Revelation’s hallucinations again

I would like to clutch an answer close
Bury myself in a father’s love
But that’s not how it goes
There is only process synthesizing experience toward wisdom
Almost getting there
Like hanging onto a tree in a hurricane
Before being swept out to sea

Hellicane category: SURVIVORS' Tales

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A gorgeous write! Great work. Loved the image of your childhood bible.