Monday, September 19, 2005

63. Humanity St. Is Under Water

by Alex Gildzen - Santa Fe, New Mexico

while the president
is on vacation
from compassion

his mother
fingering the wattles
under her pearls
fears not the corpses
but the poor
evacuated too close
to her country club

the secretary of state
is off
on a shopping spree

the emergency manager
never learned to manage

so children
plead for help
husbands watch
wives swept under
pets drown

& the president
consults his hacks
about the dive
in his approval ratings

there's poison
in the water
that floods
Humanity St.

Hellicane category: 4-POLITICAL


Anonymous said...

I commend your honesty and your compassion. Too bad those who run this country lack any! Bless you!

P&Q Editorial Staff said...

allex gildzen has always been a grand poet of the people, and a voice of reason.

