Monday, September 12, 2005

37. Katrina's Nightmare

by Sharon Jans - Innisfail, Alberta, Canada

Where were you when I had tears in my eyes
No one there to hear my pleading cries

Where were you after Katrina came
When I was trapped on my roof in the pouring rain

Where were you when the levee broke
And destroyed what was left for all our folks

Where were you when the sun went down
And shots were fired all through the town

You finally came, one week late
But now Katrina has sealed our fate

Some stayed behind by choice and others with no means or plan
But we will rebuild our lives as soon as we can

No one realized that it would be this bad
And the sights and sounds have made the world sad

We are all pitching in with relief work to do
But we still need to know, Where were you?

Hellicane category: 4-POLITICAL


PodPoet said...

I know not everyone feels this way, but I sure do! Well-put!

Anonymous said...

Say it loud and long! And remember this during the next election! I applaud you! Good work!