Saturday, April 15, 2006

126. Alice In Contra Flow Land

by Alice - Metarie, Louisiana

The Contra flow

Gone with the Wind
During the Night
We rode away, so full of fright...

Now all of the people have gone
Taking flight
Out of their city and homes
That have no light...

Even though we were glad to go
We cried when we saw the contra flow...

Some couldn't go, and some wouldn't go
We cried as we heard their stories
On the radio...

What seems like such a long time ago
I'm so glad we rode in the contra flow...

We prayed so hard that they wouldn't show
Our house under water
On the TV news show...

Our family is scattered everywhere
Our friends are over here and over there...

I miss them tonight
Gone from the city
With no light...

Can't you hear her say, "Come back from your flights and fight"
Let my people get back and light all of the lights...

My house was spared, my family and friends too
And soon I'll be going back home to the life I knew...

And if ever I ride in another contra flow
To Austin, Texas, I will go!

Hellicane category: SURVIVORS' Tales

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